Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Phone Breakup

Who breaks up with their three year girlfriend on the phone? I was feeling really crappy about this, and I do miss "Chris" a lot - but a good friend pointed out to me that if he had really cared, he would have grown a pair of balls and broken up with me in person. (Nothing like a phone call to really show you care). Second, if he has so much built up resentment toward me....that doesn't just grow in a few months. He should have said something BEFORE I picked up my things to move to LaLa Land.

I am going to hang in here and get through it. I deeply believe that everything that happens is meant to be. I am not going to just drop LA and quit because he is here. Everything in this city reminds me of him, because I went through it with him, visited it with him, experienced it with him. But I will change that. I have other people in my life who care about me deeply, and I am so grateful to have them in my life, especially at times like this. And I didn't move for a crap job, I'm here for a reason and am building my resume.

This isn't going to be easy. This may take a lot of tissues boxes. Hell, it'll take a lot of wine. But I'm going to try to look on the brighter side. Here's to new beginnings, wonderful friendships and just being grateful for what you have, each and every day.

To being single. To just being....Jo.


  1. I love you girl! If anyone can come out of this situation stronger and better than before it is you. I can't wait to see you 3 weekends in a row! Mucho vino for sure! Call me anytime, miss you girl!
    Love you,

  2. Hey Jo,

    Lisa pointed me to your blog, which i hadn't seen before. Mine is at adammackwright.com, if you want to check it out.
    Sorry to see you're going through a tough time. Keep your head up.

