Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Joanna: The 2006 Model

I wanted to write tonight, I wanted to let words spill out onto this screen, or page, or notebook or napkin, back of receipt, whatever. Seeking inspiration, I opened up my word documents on my notebook (for those of you non-technies, notebook = notebook computer). I briefly read some old poems and essays and random assortments of thoughts; stories and dreams and old cover letters and past resume versions. I dumped tons of old work documents (I seemed to have blocked from my brain the amount of hours I'd work and write for work from home!).

But I found something that interested me, a document titled "2006 Goals." I'm sort of embarrassed that I'm even sharing this. It'd be one thing if it was a journal entry from fourth grade...but this is just two years ago, and it's looking pretty lame. Check it out:

1. Take the GMAT exam & pass; be satisfied with the score.
Okay. I wasn't even confident in my ability to pass let alone get a good score. Mom, if you're out there reading this, hold a big "L" to your forehead and say it with me: LOSER! And who says, "Be satisfied with the score?" Would I say it in a British accent as I sip my tea?

2. Take a new class. An art class, pottery, French, etc. Try something new.
Done, done, done. Always done.

3. Become more physically active, on a regular basis.
Ha! All I can do is laugh.

4. Write a personal mission statement.
This one almost concerns me the most. Where the hell did I come up with this shit? What business book was I reading? Who was I fooling? Did I write this after I came home from a good happy hour? Did I just have an unusually good day at work? Either way, I'm concerned that my 24 year old self was into mission statements instead of one night stands.

5. Try to be less judgmental of others, but rather focus on how I can change and become a better person.
Ha! All I can do is laugh.

6. Achieve balance in life.

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