Today a co-worker wished my Chinese manager a Happy New Year. Specifically, “Hey Happy New Year to you and your peeps!” ‘Tis the year of the Rat, my friends, that furry bucktoothed munching creature that ladies scream at and men kick at and others hit with brooms. I’d be a broom beater if I had to classify myself.
Anyway, I’m no rat and I’m not Chinese, last time I checked. But I was born in the Year of the Rooster. I know this because I was told this by the same co-worker who is so aware of the Chinese New Year. I also know this because I was in the middle of creating a stellar presentation and checking some last minute financials when I received an email with the subject line: Rooster – 2008. Check it out:
The Rooster in 2008
Early Riser, What’s Your Fortune?
This is a powerful year to reorganize your life. The year of the Earth Rat encourages the completion of outstanding projects. Rat energy is busy and encourages communication. You will enjoy so much activity. A wise Rooster will be cautious about taking on too many commitments at once. Allow plenty of time to accomplish your work. Remember that you will be most effective scheduling time for a good mix of both work and play. Be strong in the face of foolish gossip. You risk unnecessary arguments and drama if you fight back. Do not be afraid to let other people help you.
I am definitely in a reorganizing my life, reevaluating perspective. I even thought to myself this morning about how I need to clean my closet this weekend to the sounds of Sinatra and with candles lit, lots of candles. I have no idea what it is about cleaning my closet, but it puts me in a cozy mood.
And I do take on too many commitments at once, it’s a Jo Thing. I get too excited about life and I go into full-blown planning mode and you can’t stop that train once it starts. Okay, Rat, you might be onto something there, you sneaky rat. You filthy….
Be strong in the face of gossip? Do not fight back? Does this rat know who this rooster is?
I’m wiped after a long day. I feel drunk with sleep and chocolate lips. You know, the cheeseball Valentine’s candy; there’s also big chocolate keys….the KEY to my HEART! Get it, Mom? Key? Heart? I grimace since I know it’s cheesy. But I just love it so much.
I just went to the bathroom. But I didn’t have to go to the bathroom, I just went to be alone. It’s weird when someone walks in and I’m just hanging out there. Kinda creepy, I get that. I looked in the mirror and no one told me my hair was all over the place.
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