Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
~Melody Beattie
How's this for your daily dose of perspective?
What makes you happy? What are the things you find rewarding in this recession? What are the simple pleasures in your life that you've become reacquainted with?
For me it's my 1.5 mile drive to work. That when I spilled cover all over my pants, shirt, ass (yes, really. I'm still not sure how it got back there...), crotch, etc. that I was able to run home and change in 10-minutes' time.
It’s my Pandora radio list at work; my ability to tune out my team members when I need to.
It’s my non-fat hazelnut lattes in the morning once or twice a week. Sure, $3.45 a pop, but the taste and smell make it a real treat.
Many meals in on weeknights. Quiet nights spent trying a new bottle of wine and a new recipe. Creating something tasty and tangible in the tiny galley Brentwood kitchen.
Free museums.
Walks around the Brentwood Country Club.
I’ve rediscovered the library. Have we forgotten the library? It’s that big building that houses a bizzillion FREE books!
Healthy lunches ate in, pounds lost.
$15 tickets to the Troubadour for Saturday night’s show—a steal!
Clean sheets and the rare occasion I get to sleep in.
So glad you mentioned the library! Not only do i get books i want to read from there, but they have movies and CDs too. I bring the CDs home, burn them into itunes and return music! Also, if they don't have something i want, i can request it and they'll usually order it for me!