Monday, December 22, 2008

'Tis the season

Just a few days ago I was having trouble walking. It hurt to turn my head. The pain made my eyes sting with tears; my entire body hurt. I haven't been in that much pain in about 10 years. The doctor said it was just a virus and there wasn't anything they could do to help me. I wouldn't have made it home to Arizona if my friend Eric had not driven me the entire 12 hours. Are all Erics good guys? Possibly so. And it's not always 12 hours. Only when a big rig decides to fall across an interstate highway, blocking Los Angeles traffic to a mere one lane glacier crawl.

Anyway, Christmas in Arizona is just the opposite of bitter cold, but this time of year still makes me want to curl up and stay inside. My mother has been baking Croatian goodies, sugar cookies, peanut brittle, cakes, chocolate chip cookies...God knows what else. My best friends are here. My brother is home. The dog is in a great mood. Life is good.

This is my time to read by the Christmas tree or with a glass of wine. With that in mind, here's my latest book list, besides The Last Temptation of Christ, which I am still working on.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey. I have my Dad's version from the early 90s or late 80s, which offers an element of wisdom transcending the generations? Or maybe just the smell of an old book? Not sure. But whatever, the 7 habits haven't changed much in the last couple of decades so the message is still there.

Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. I like the way Ernie writes. He's got a lot to say.

White Album, Joan Didion. I've read a lot of articles by Joan so I have no doubt I'll enjoy this collection of essays.

Start Your Own Business, Riva Lesonsky. It's just what it says.

Myths of the Ancient Greeks, Richard P. Martin. A topic I've been wanting to study.

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