Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I've gone raw

I’ve gone raw.
My roommate read the book Skinny Bitch, a book written in a really bitchy tone about what it takes to be skinny.

And we want to be skinny.
Rather, I want to be the weight I was when I moved to Los Angeles. That was 12 pounds ago.
Anyway, the book promotes fasting and we’re not going to be that drastic but we are doing a 7 to 10 day raw diet. Only fresh veggies, fruits, nuts. It’s Day 1, Hour 5 and I’m already craving beef. Or at least a falafel.
Can you tell I live in LA now?


Frankly, Scarlett said...

I HATED the book "skinny bitch" because not only was it poorly written, but its advice is "eat fruits, veggies and nuts - then you'll be skinny". Well....DUH!!! That doesn't help the rest of us farm raised, presertive loving, meat eating normal people!

Sigh. Glad you're on the downward slope though, sweetie!

A Margarita said...

I've always wanted to attempt one of those diets - for the same reason you're doing it and because I feel it will "cleanse" my system naturally. I'm curious to see how it turns out.

And I'm totally jealous of your warmth, hehe.